Wednesday, June 11, 2008
THE power of the mind is often overlooked when it is in fact the most powerful tool one can have to achieve success, a Malaysian consultant, Md Taib Mat, said.
He is currently in the country to conduct a seminar for students at an all-boys' school in the capital based on his own module for using the mind, which incorporates Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
"The most important thing about NLP is the person. The 'me' and 'I'. Without 'I', then NLP is nothing," he said. There is also setting the goals and sharpening the senses.
"How acute is it? The sharper it is the better you process information," he said on fine-tuning the way one hears, looks and feel things.
Rapport, he said is also very important and in students, it is not always congruent. In most instances, people are often in conflict with themselves. "It means that if you say yes, your head must also say yes (nod)," he said.
He also emphasised on flexibility as being an important principle. "We as human beings have to be flexible" in our approach in life, he said, adding that if one thing does not work, find another way."
The person who has the most flexibility will achieve what he wants," said Md Taib.
Building a sense of self-appreciation is one of the ways that one can value their strengths. Students were taught to view themselves in the third person, preferably someone they favour by using the autobiography exercise.
The module he created requires participants to look at themselves through the filter or eyes of the person they love who loves them back, and write down the words of appreciation, he said.
Two other NLP techniques integrated in the module is the S.M.A.R.T and C.R.A.F.T techniques. S.M.A.R.T stands for smart, measurable, achievable, realistic and timeliness which is used in goal setting together with the 3P personal, positive and present.
"When we develop a goal, we want a student to create a specific goal and make sure that it is something we can measure like 8As (in the exams)," he said adding that the targets must be achievable, within reach and has a set time-frame.
Also, it must be personal and meaningful to the individual using positive sentences and should begin at present time, he said.
C.R.A.F.T technique cancel, replace, affirm, focus and train is a pattern developed by Maxwell Marx an expert in psycho cybernetics. It is a tool used to remove any fear, anxiety and tension and is useful for students, especially when they go to school during examinations.
The main objective is to clear negativities from the mind that limits the students from realising their potential and replacing them with positive thoughts.
The last step in the module is changing self-identity through the neurological levels of NLP environment, behaviour, belief and value and identity, among others.
"Between you and the goal there are two environmental factors the internal one you can control but the external one you cannot," he said. Students are taught the various ways they can use to close the gap that is stopping them from reaching their target.
They must identify the behaviours and habits that prevent them from succeeding and also develop the capabilities needed such as skills, experience and knowledge. In addition, beliefs must be in line with their purpose.
"NLP is a proven tool. This is what they say how your mind works, how you communicate with your mind especially in communication and is an integration of psychology, cybernetics and systematic thinking among others," he said.
The success will be measured through performance and he hopes to receive on-going feedback from the school. (DMS1)
The Brunei Times
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
THE power of the mind is often overlooked when it is in fact the most powerful tool one can have to achieve success, a Malaysian consultant, Md Taib Mat, said.
He is currently in the country to conduct a seminar for students at an all-boys' school in the capital based on his own module for using the mind, which incorporates Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
"The most important thing about NLP is the person. The 'me' and 'I'. Without 'I', then NLP is nothing," he said. There is also setting the goals and sharpening the senses.
"How acute is it? The sharper it is the better you process information," he said on fine-tuning the way one hears, looks and feel things.
Rapport, he said is also very important and in students, it is not always congruent. In most instances, people are often in conflict with themselves. "It means that if you say yes, your head must also say yes (nod)," he said.
He also emphasised on flexibility as being an important principle. "We as human beings have to be flexible" in our approach in life, he said, adding that if one thing does not work, find another way."
The person who has the most flexibility will achieve what he wants," said Md Taib.
Building a sense of self-appreciation is one of the ways that one can value their strengths. Students were taught to view themselves in the third person, preferably someone they favour by using the autobiography exercise.
The module he created requires participants to look at themselves through the filter or eyes of the person they love who loves them back, and write down the words of appreciation, he said.
Two other NLP techniques integrated in the module is the S.M.A.R.T and C.R.A.F.T techniques. S.M.A.R.T stands for smart, measurable, achievable, realistic and timeliness which is used in goal setting together with the 3P personal, positive and present.
"When we develop a goal, we want a student to create a specific goal and make sure that it is something we can measure like 8As (in the exams)," he said adding that the targets must be achievable, within reach and has a set time-frame.
Also, it must be personal and meaningful to the individual using positive sentences and should begin at present time, he said.
C.R.A.F.T technique cancel, replace, affirm, focus and train is a pattern developed by Maxwell Marx an expert in psycho cybernetics. It is a tool used to remove any fear, anxiety and tension and is useful for students, especially when they go to school during examinations.
The main objective is to clear negativities from the mind that limits the students from realising their potential and replacing them with positive thoughts.
The last step in the module is changing self-identity through the neurological levels of NLP environment, behaviour, belief and value and identity, among others.
"Between you and the goal there are two environmental factors the internal one you can control but the external one you cannot," he said. Students are taught the various ways they can use to close the gap that is stopping them from reaching their target.
They must identify the behaviours and habits that prevent them from succeeding and also develop the capabilities needed such as skills, experience and knowledge. In addition, beliefs must be in line with their purpose.
"NLP is a proven tool. This is what they say how your mind works, how you communicate with your mind especially in communication and is an integration of psychology, cybernetics and systematic thinking among others," he said.
The success will be measured through performance and he hopes to receive on-going feedback from the school. (DMS1)
The Brunei Times
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