Monday, July 14, 2008

Power of Mind Key to Achieve Success

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

THE power of the mind is often overlooked when it is in fact the most powerful tool one can have to achieve success, a Malaysian consultant, Md Taib Mat, said.
He is currently in the country to conduct a seminar for students at an all-boys' school in the capital based on his own module for using the mind, which incorporates Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
"The most important thing about NLP is the person. The 'me' and 'I'. Without 'I', then NLP is nothing," he said. There is also setting the goals and sharpening the senses.
"How acute is it? The sharper it is the better you process information," he said on fine-tuning the way one hears, looks and feel things.
Rapport, he said is also very important and in students, it is not always congruent. In most instances, people are often in conflict with themselves. "It means that if you say yes, your head must also say yes (nod)," he said.
He also emphasised on flexibility as being an important principle. "We as human beings have to be flexible" in our approach in life, he said, adding that if one thing does not work, find another way."
The person who has the most flexibility will achieve what he wants," said Md Taib.
Building a sense of self-appreciation is one of the ways that one can value their strengths. Students were taught to view themselves in the third person, preferably someone they favour by using the autobiography exercise.
The module he created requires participants to look at themselves through the filter or eyes of the person they love who loves them back, and write down the words of appreciation, he said.
Two other NLP techniques integrated in the module is the S.M.A.R.T and C.R.A.F.T techniques. S.M.A.R.T stands for smart, measurable, achievable, realistic and timeliness which is used in goal setting together with the 3P personal, positive and present.
"When we develop a goal, we want a student to create a specific goal and make sure that it is something we can measure like 8As (in the exams)," he said adding that the targets must be achievable, within reach and has a set time-frame.
Also, it must be personal and meaningful to the individual using positive sentences and should begin at present time, he said.
C.R.A.F.T technique cancel, replace, affirm, focus and train is a pattern developed by Maxwell Marx an expert in psycho cybernetics. It is a tool used to remove any fear, anxiety and tension and is useful for students, especially when they go to school during examinations.
The main objective is to clear negativities from the mind that limits the students from realising their potential and replacing them with positive thoughts.
The last step in the module is changing self-identity through the neurological levels of NLP environment, behaviour, belief and value and identity, among others.
"Between you and the goal there are two environmental factors the internal one you can control but the external one you cannot," he said. Students are taught the various ways they can use to close the gap that is stopping them from reaching their target.
They must identify the behaviours and habits that prevent them from succeeding and also develop the capabilities needed such as skills, experience and knowledge. In addition, beliefs must be in line with their purpose.
"NLP is a proven tool. This is what they say how your mind works, how you communicate with your mind especially in communication and is an integration of psychology, cybernetics and systematic thinking among others," he said.
The success will be measured through performance and he hopes to receive on-going feedback from the school. (DMS1)
The Brunei Times

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

How To Be A Successful Student

Let's visualise: SOASC students and teachers participate in the "Access, Amplify and Anchor" exercise for building confidence during the Neuro-linguistic Programming talk yesterday.
Picture: Dewi Md Sofri
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
"WHAT does it take to be a successful student?"
Some 200 students of the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien College were clued in on some "tricks" during a two-day motivational seminar entitled "Mindsetting Success, Generating the Potential of Your Mind with Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)" organised by the Ministry of Education through Transcend & Actualise, Coach and Consultants.
The seminar took place at the Pengiran Anak Puteri Rashidah Sa'adatul Bolkiah Nursing College and was conducted by Malaysian consultant, Md Taib Mat, who used the NLP approach, focusing on the power of visual imagery to achieve success.
Before Md Taib Mat launched into the basic principles of NLP, an ice-breaking session was held to prep the students on what to expect during the seminar.
Students were told that their past does not define what they will be in the future because they can shape the future. They were requested to have an open mind, participate fully and permit the speaker to be their coach for the two days.
"So many times, we let our parents drive the bus, we let our teachers drive and worst, our friends. You should be the one to drive your own bus," he said, using analogies such as directing a movie and also driving a bus to portray the extent of control that one should have in life."
These two days, I am going to demonstrate to you how to do certain things with your mind," said Md Taib, noting everything that one needs to be successful is in the mind.
Access it and you will find that everything you need is there, he added.
NLP uses the visual, audio and kinesthetic approach in life which is important for teachers, he said, because it is how one processes information.
He also told the students that they should have fun in what they do even having a sense of play while studying. "If you get serious, you get stupid."
He said that one can be serious when playing and this is usually when it pays off.
Students were then asked to jot down what they hoped to achieve from the seminar. The seminar was not meant for passive students and throughout the day, the speaker injected several exercises that required the students to be actively involved in their road to development and self-change.
In order to have a successful future, setting a goal is crucial. "Your mind has to achieve something and if you do not have a target, your mind will be lost. So you must have a target," he told them."
It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be ," he said, citing the title of a book by the late creative director Paul Arden.
The seminar also involved a lot of reflection exercises, where students were asked to close their eyes and visualise certain images as prompted by the speaker through sessions in enhancing and managing the state of mind.
Students were made to create a mental image of themselves scoring all "As" in their subjects as well as important people in their lives, such as their mother and favourite teacher, affirming that they will score all "As"."
What you have now is not as important as what you want to have. This is what I am trying to help you (with). (This is) because you are growing up," he said, in trying to plant the seeds of confidence to the students.
Yesterday's session focused on developing personal appreciation and empowering beliefs, changing behaviours and attitudes through "Swish Pattern" removing bad habits and replacing them with new ones.
Today, the students will be trained on techniques to remove fear and anxiety (limitations) from their system, generate new behavioural pattern and integrating a new self-identity.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Dr Michael Hall

Dr Michael Hall adalah salah seorang pemaju, penyelidik dalam bidang NLP yang terkenal didunia. Beliau adalah seorang yang ramah dan berbual dengan pertuturan yang lemah lembut. Kepintarannya jelas kelihatan semasa mengendalikan program.

Sehingga kini beliau telah menulis hampir 40 buku mengenai NLP, Neuro Semantic, Komunikasi dll.

Saya berasa bertuah kerana dapat berguru dengan salah seorang mahaguru NLP ini. Beliau adalah pemajua neuro-semantics dan "meta-states" yang dikemukakan oleh Alfred Korzybski pada tahun 1936.

Grand Junction Colorado
6.02 pagi

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Pengenalan Meta-States

Hari ini hari pertama program "Accessing Personal Genius" bersama dengan Dr. Michael Hall, pemaju dan penyelidik yang mengasaskan teori Meta-States, salah satu cabang kepada NLP.

Apakah "meta state" sebenarnya? Ianya adalah kunci bagaimana fikiran kita berfungsi. Bagaimana satu fikiran melahirkan atau membawa kita kepada satu fikiran lagi. dan kepada satu fikrian yang lain pula.

Ertinya fikiran kita bukan bergerak secara linear tetapi secara peringkat yang bergeluk (spiral). Dan dalam mengolah geluk itu (spiralling) ia boleh jadi naik atau merudum (up or down the spiral pathways).

Apakah implikasi ini? Fikiran menentukan keadaan diri kita dalam masa fikiran itu berlaku. Samada kita mempunyai keadaan menuju puncak (peak) atau dipuncak atau merudum menjunam kebawah.

Contohnya: katakan kita berada dalam keadaan yang marahkan seseorang. Fikiran marah menjadikan keadaan kita marah dan negatif. Kita nampak individu tersebut. Fikiran marah digantikan dengan fikiran meradang yang tidak terkawal. Lalu kita hilang kawalan dan berperangai mengluarkan kata-kata yang kurang enak.

Begitulah sebaliknya. Katakan kita sedang memikirkan sesuatu yang seronok kerana naik pangkat. Kita fikirkan bagaimana hendak meraikan keseronokan itu. Lalu kita ajak beberapa rakan rapat minum dicafe kegemalan kita (Starbucks atau Coffee Bean menjadi pilihan saya). Mungkin jika anda memikirkan Starbucks atau Coffee Bean atau kopitiam yang ada dimerata tempat, fikiran anda sudah melayang keperingkat tiga. Dari seronok kepada meraikan kepada cafe kegemaran anda.

Berseronoklah dengan meta anda hari ini.

Salam dari Grand Junction, Colorado, USA

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Kita Semua Pengembara

Saya sekarang berada di Grand Junction, Colorado, USA menghadiri program "Meta Coaching" dan "Accesing Personal Genius" mulai 1hb. hingga 12 Julai dengan Dr. Michael Hall, seorang pakar psikologi, penyelidik, dan pemaju NLP/NS yang terkemuka didunia.

Saya ingin berkongsi satu nota dari pengurusan Ramada tempat kursus dan penginapan saya selama 14 hari disini yang meneyntuh perasaan saya.

To Our Guests:

In ancient times there was a prayer for "The Stranger within our gates."

Because this hotel is a human institution to serve people, we hope that God will grant you peace and rest while you are under our roof.

May this room and hotel be your "second" home. Many those that you love be near you in thoughts and dreams. Even though we may not get to know you, we hope that you will be comfortable and happy as if you were in your own house.

May the business that brought you our way prosper. May every call you make and every message you receive add to your joy. When you leave, may your journey be safe.

We are all travelers. From "birth till death". We travel between eternities. May these days be pleasant for you, profitable for society, helpful for those you meet, and a joy to those who know and love you best.

Management and Staff.